Pain behind your ear can be caused by several different factors. Sometimes it is related directly to a problem with the ear, while other times it might be caused by an issue with your jaw or even compressed nerves causing a headache. Depending on the cause, the pain might be described as:
- Burning
- Sharp
- Pressure behind ear
- Throbbing
Often there are other symptoms that accompany the pain that can help determine the cause. These include:
- Ear drainage
- Hearing difficulty
- Skin changes or rash
- Eye pain
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Tooth pain
- Tender jaw
Let’s examine a few of the main culprits of behind-the-ear pain.
Pain Related to Ear
There are several causes of behind-the-ear pain that are directly related to problems with the ear. These include ear infections, swimmer’s ear, and earwax compaction. Some clues your pain might be related to your ear include:
- Having a viral infection like a cold or flu
- Drainage from the ear
- Your hearing feels muffled or you have an earache
- You regularly swim at YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne or another local pool.
- You use a cotton swab to clean your ears, leading to a greater risk of earwax impaction.
Dental and Jaw Issues
Several dental conditions that can cause pain behind the ear include cavities, abscesses and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Signs that your pain may be related to a dental issue include:
- Tooth pain/sensitivity
- Swelling in the cheek/mouth area
- Jaw clicking or popping
- Jaw heaviness
- Headaches that are worse in the morning
- Jaw feels heavy or aches after eating
Occipital Neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia is a severe stabbing or shooting pain that spreads through the neck, back of the head, and behind the ears. While the condition is not fully understood, it is thought to be caused by pinched occipital nerves which start in your neck and run to the top of your head. If you experience any of the following, you may have occipital neuralgia:
- Vision issues
- Tenderness in the back of your head
- Tinnitus
- Dizziness
Rare But Serious—Mastoiditis
Mastoiditis is a rare infection of the mastoid bone, located behind and below your ear. It is usually caused by an untreated ear infection. It can occur at any age but is most often seen in children under two. Symptoms include severe pain behind the ear, fever, and headache. If left untreated, mastoiditis can lead to serious conditions including:
- Meningitis
- Blood clots
- Hearing loss
- Facial nerve paralysis
If you or your child has any of the symptoms of mastoiditis, seek medical help immediately.
Bottom Line
Behind-the-ear pain has many different causes, some are relatively minor while others may be quite serious. Treating the pain depends largely on identifying the cause. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your pain and any additional symptoms so they can make an accurate diagnosis and help you feel better.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an expert, call Ear, Nose & Throat Associates, P.C. today.