While many people dread the coming of winter, allergy sufferers often sigh in relief, confident that their seasonal allergies will go away once cold weather sets in. This isn’t always the case—especially for those who suffer from mold and dander allergies.
While pollen counts drop in the winter months, indoor allergens such as mold and dust mites often increase, which can lead to allergy symptoms for those stuck inside during the coldest months of the year. Closing windows and turning on the heat can spread dust, mold spores and insect parts through the air, triggering allergic reactions.
Signs and Symptoms
It is often difficult to differentiate between allergies and other seasonal illnesses like the common cold and the flu. And with COVID-19 continuing to surge this winter, distinguishing between the illnesses may be a challenge. Usually, cold and virus symptoms should disappear within 10 days, while allergies linger for weeks or months.
Each condition has a series of different symptoms. Allergy symptoms include coughs, sneezing, itchy or runny nose, ear wax buildup, itchy or watery eyes, and dark spots under the eyes. The flu is often accompanied by fever, aches and pains—rarely seen with colds and allergies. And COVID-19 has its own set of unique symptoms, including a dry cough, breathing difficulties, fever and loss of smell and taste.
When to Take Action
Specific to COVID, pay close attention to upper respiratory symptoms, noting when they begin and whether they worsen. The CDC has put together a coronavirus self-checker to help you evaluate symptoms at home and seek care if necessary.
If you experience sudden chest pain or pressure, confusion, a change in consciousness or inability to stay awake, and lack of oxygen (signs include bluish lips or gasping for air), you should seek prompt medical attention.
Ear, Nose & Throat Associates can help distinguish your symptoms and provide the appropriate course of treatment. Talk to our allergy team today to schedule an appointment.
“Amazing service. Great for allergy testing! 100% recommend.” – Christopher L.