Why Regular ENT Checkups Matter
Life can get hectic. Between caring for your family, managing work and tackling errands, your schedule may feel packed from morning to night. With so much going on, finding time to visit your ENT specialist can seem impossible—or easy to push aside. However, those checkups are more important than you might realize. Why Should I…
What to Expect During an ENT Exam: Tests and Procedures
Each year, nearly 27 million people in the U.S. visit these specialists for conditions ranging from chronic sinus infections to hoarseness and hearing problems. Let’s take a look at what to expect from your first ENT appointment to help you set expectations. Checking In When you arrive at the ENT office, you’ll start by checking…
Can Certain Foods and Drinks Clear My Sinuses?
When you have a sinus infection, the resulting congestion can make you feel like you’ve never taken a deep breath before. When this is the case, it’s helpful to turn to a handful of medical and home remedies to ease your discomfort, including short-term decongestants, nasal sprays and rinses, facial steaming and certain foods and…
Understanding the Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Sinus Infections
Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the tissues lining the sinuses become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to symptoms like facial pain, congestion, toothache and nasal discharge. While sinus infections have several causes, viruses and bacteria are among the most common culprits. Knowing the difference between these two types of infections can help you seek…
Why Do I Get More Ear Pain in the Winter?
Winter is a season of crisp air, cozy sweaters and lots of snow. Along with the benefits of cold weather come a few less pleasant side effects, like dry skin, chapped lips and, for some, unexpected ear pain. If you’ve noticed your ears aching more during the winter months, you’re not alone. The cold wind,…
Understanding and Caring for Your Sinuses
Sinuses are essential to your overall health, even if you rarely think about them unless you’re dealing with a stuffy nose or facial pressure. These four pairs of air-filled spaces, known as the paranasal sinuses, are located behind your nose and eyes and include the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. Beyond causing discomfort when…
How Are Nasal Inflammation and Asthma Connected?
The nose and throat are part of the upper respiratory tract, the system responsible for breathing. Since these areas are interconnected, an infection in one part often spreads to the other. For instance, a common cold can lead to both sinus inflammation and a sore throat. Building on this connection, the unified airway hypothesis proposes…
Tips for Protecting Your Throat as a Singer
Singing, whether on stage or in the shower, is a fun way to express yourself, but it can also take a toll on your throat. If you’ve noticed signs like a hoarse or raspy voice, frequent throat clearing, a deeper tone or difficulty hitting those high notes, your vocal cords might be under strain. A…
Breathe Easy This Winter: Simple Steps to Prevent Sinus Infections
Winter can be rough on your sinuses. The cold air, dry indoor conditions and surge in seasonal illnesses like colds and the flu can make sinus infections more common. A sinus infection, or sinusitis, happens when the tissues lining your sinuses become inflamed. Let’s dive into some practical tips to keep your sinuses healthy this…
Why Is My Nose Burning?
A burning sensation in your nose, whether a mild irritation or a persistent stinging, can quickly turn into an irritating symptom. Let’s take a look at a few common causes of a burning nose and what you can do to prevent them. 1. Dry Air Dry air exposure, especially common during the winter when you…
Why Won’t My Sore Throat Go Away? 5 Causes of Chronic Throat Pain
Chronic pharyngitis is a sore throat lasting longer than 10 days or frequently returning. If you live with a chronic sore throat, you know how much the symptoms ruin your favorite meals or turn talking into an uncomfortable experience. Let’s take a look at five common causes of chronic throat pain and what you can…
What Does the Color of My Snot Mean?
Snot, that sticky, sometimes inconvenient substance, also known as nasal mucus, plays an important role in your body. It helps trap and keep out germs and harmful particles that would otherwise make their way into your respiratory system. A runny nose can happen for many reasons—colds, flu, allergies, sinus infections or chilly weather. But have…
ENT Health and Aging: What Seniors Should Know About ENT Care
As we age, certain aspects of our health become more vulnerable to issues, and ENT health is no exception. Age-related changes increase the risk of specific ENT conditions, impacting everything from hearing to throat function. Knowing how and when to seek appropriate care can help support senior wellness and improve quality of life. Common ENT…
How to Beat Congestion and Enjoy a Delicious Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is fast approaching. And with it comes savory turkey, tangy cranberry sauce and deliciously sweet pumpkin pie. With so many tasty foods just around the corner, you’ll want to make sure you’re in tip-top shape to enjoy them. One possible roadblock to enjoying Thanksgiving flavors is congestion. Let’s take a look at how congestion…
Infections That Cause Pain Behind the Ear
There are many issues that could potentially cause pain behind your ear. One of the more common causes is an ear infection. Let’s take a look at the different types of ear infections that could be causing your pain, as well as when to seek medical attention. Middle Ear Infection The middle ear is located…
Exploring the Mouth Taping Trend: Why It’s Important to Know the Risks
A surprising sleep trend has recently emerged on social media: mouth taping. This practice involves placing a strip of tape over your lips before bed to encourage nasal breathing throughout the night. Advocates claim it helps reduce snoring, minimizes dry mouth and improves overall sleep quality. But while these alleged benefits might make mouth taping…
What’s Causing That Tightness in My Throat?
Have you ever felt like your throat is constricted, as if a knot is blocking your airway? Throat tightness can be an unnerving experience, but it’s a common symptom with many potential causes. While it’s often nothing to worry about, understanding what might trigger this sensation is essential to finding relief. Let’s explore some of…
Do You Need a Sleep Study?
Sleep is an essential part of our well-being, impacting both mental and physical health if you don’t get enough sleep. If you frequently feel tired during the day or experience issues like snoring or trouble staying asleep, you might be wondering why, and a sleep study could be necessary to understand. A sleep study is…
Why Do I Keep Getting Ear Infections as an Adult?
Many of us have childhood memories of earaches keeping us home from school, but ear infections can persist into adulthood, sometimes turning into a recurring issue. An ear infection, or acute otitis media, occurs when bacteria or viruses infect the area behind the eardrum. This leads to a buildup of fluid and pressure, causing a…
How Can I Find Relief From Sinus Pressure?
When you have sinus pressure, it can feel like a persistent, aching tightness around your face. This discomfort occurs when the membranes lining your nasal passages become swollen or irritated, often due to colds, allergies, environmental pollutants, mucus buildup or sinus infections. While sinus pressure typically centers around the eyes, nose, forehead and cheekbones, it…
Best Practices for Ear Hygiene
Maintaining good ear hygiene helps protect your overall ear health, which can impact your hearing and ENT health. Ears are naturally self-cleaning, but there are important practices to follow that can help keep them healthy. Consider the following when it comes to best practices for healthy ears. Cleaning Your Ears Safely It’s a common misconception…
When To Consult An Ent For Your Vertigo
Feeling lightheaded after skipping breakfast or standing up too quickly is not usually a big deal. However, if you frequently feel like the world around you is spinning, you might be dealing with vertigo. What is Vertigo? Vertigo itself is not a disease but a symptom of various underlying conditions. Symptoms can vary between patients…
What Is the Link Between Ear Infections & Hearing Loss in Children?
According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics, “Acute otitis media is one of the most common illnesses evaluated by pediatricians. About 50% of all children will have at least one ear infection by the time they reach their second birthday.” Another term for acute otitis media is a middle ear infection. The reason these…
What is the Exhalation System for Sinus Relief
Sinus infections can significantly diminish your quality of life with symptoms like headaches and nasal congestion. While traditional treatments such as nasal sprays and oral medications can provide relief, a method known as the exhalation system offers an innovative way to manage symptoms. This technique uses the natural process of exhalation to deliver medication directly…
What to Know About Deviated Septum
A deviated septum is a condition that many people may not even realize they have. However, if symptomatic, it can cause difficulty breathing and other issues. The septum is the wall dividing the center of the nose, separating the nasal passages. When this wall is displaced to one side, it is known as a deviated…
Tips for Managing Pediatric Sinus Infections
Sinus infections are an inflammation of the air-filled spaces behind the forehead, nose and cheeks. Children are particularly susceptible to sinusitis because their sinuses do not fully develop until they reach their teenage years, making them more prone to blockage and inflammation. What Are the Signs of a Sinus Infection? Sinus infections can cause facial…
Summer and Sinus Infections: What You Need to Know
Sinus infections are an inflammation of the tissue lining your sinus. Typically associated with facial pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, discomfort in the upper back teeth and a mild fever, sinus infections are one of the most common reasons for clinical visits in the U.S. With summer in full swing, let’s take a look at…
How To Relieve Ear Pressure
Ear pressure, often referred to as barotrauma, can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. It occurs when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked due to altitude or pressure changes. Let’s explore why ear pressure occurs and some effective methods for alleviating it. Why Ear Pressure Occurs Barotrauma happens when there’s an imbalance between the air…
How to Safely Remove Water From Your Ears
Water can easily get trapped in your ears after a shower or swim. Knowing how to remove it safely and effectively is important to prevent complications. This guide will explain why water gets trapped in your ears, the importance of removing it promptly, and safe methods for doing so. Understanding Water in Your Ears The…
Top Summertime Ear Protection Tips
As the sun comes out and temperatures climb, summer invites us to partake in various outdoor activities and adventures. While enjoying the sunshine and seasonal festivities, it’s essential to remember to protect our ears, though we may not realize it. From ear infections to exposure to loud noises, summer presents unique risks to our ears…
What To Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects 39 million U.S. adults. Characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep, this condition can lead to health complications if left untreated. Let’s explore what sleep apnea is and potential treatment options. Understanding Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the throat relax…
How To Use Steam to Clear Nasal Congestion
Did you know that about 12% of Americans struggle with nasal congestion at any given time? While it’s often not a major concern, dealing with a stuffy nose can certainly put a damper on your day. Let’s delve into why congestion happens and how a simple home remedy can provide temporary relief. Understanding Nasal Congestion…
What To Know About Sinus Massage
Sinus issues are common, with nearly 29 million cases of sinusitis across the U.S., and can cause discomfort for many individuals. While there are several ways to alleviate sinus problems, one lesser-known but effective method is sinus massage. This type of massage focuses on the sinus areas to promote drainage and relieve pressure and can…
The Impact Of Smoking On ENT Health: Risks and Recovery
It’s widely acknowledged that smoking detrimentally impacts one’s physical health. Among the health risks associated with smoking are cancers of the head, neck and throat, as well as stroke, heart attack, emphysema and other conditions. The CDC identifies smoking as the primary cause of preventable death in the United States. Impacts on ENT Health Inhaling…
Exploring Allergies: How They Affect the Ears, Nose and Throat
Allergies are the body’s overreaction to a stimulus that would otherwise be considered harmless. Common environmental allergens may include pollen, mold and pet dander. Allergic reactions often cause overlapping symptoms that impact the ears, nose and throat. Symptoms can range from itching and swelling, to runny eyes and nose, sneezing and coughing. More than 100…
What Causes White Spots on the Throat
Finding white spots on the back of the throat and tonsils can feel a little alarming. Learning about the possible causes and treatments of these white spots can help ease your concerns and set you on the right treatment path. Let’s explore a few common causes and treatments for these white spots. Strep Throat Strep…
Causes And Treatments for Posterior Nosebleed
A posterior nosebleed takes place when bleeding originates in the posterior part of the nasal cavity. Epistaxis, the clinical term for a nosebleed, occurs when the interior nasal blood vessels are compromised and bleed. Persistent bleeding over 20 minutes, or bleeding that accompanies a trauma to the head, face or nose, usually indicates a posterior…
Home Remedies for a Sore Throat and When to See a Doctor
A sore throat is a common condition that sometimes makes it difficult to swallow, eat or talk. Sore throats can have various causes ranging from illnesses to allergies. They’re often not serious and can be treated with home remedies. Understanding the causes and available remedies can help you be prepared to treat one if it…
What To Do If Allergies Are Triggering Your Asthma
Asthma is a persistent respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the airways that can be hypersensitive to certain triggers, unlike in people without asthma. These triggers can range from physical activity and airborne substances to weather changes, certain medications and allergens. For those with allergic asthma, identifying and understanding these triggers is crucial for effectively…
Why Does My Nose Run When I Eat?
A runny nose, while not a serious symptom, can be annoying when trying to enjoy your favorite burger at the Copper Spoon. Gustatory rhinitis is the medical term for a runny nose brought on during a meal or after eating food. Additional symptoms you may experience with gustatory rhinitis include congestion, postnasal drip (the feeling…
How To Recognize and Manage Aphasia
Aphasia is a language disorder that impacts communication, typically caused by damage to the brain’s language centers. It differs in its impact among individuals and necessitates varying treatment options. Aphasia is an uncommon disorder, affecting about 2 million people in the U.S., but a greater understanding of the disorder allows for a better ability to…
Why Do I Have Trouble Swallowing?
Difficulty swallowing can get in the way of enjoying your favorite stack of pancakes from Lakeside Cafe. While most people experience difficulty swallowing occasionally, such as when taking large bites of food or drinking certain liquids, ongoing swallowing difficulty may be a sign of dysphagia. What Is Dysphagia? Dysphagia refers to the condition that causes…
What Should You Do If Your Child Gets Something Stuck In Their Ear
Finding a foreign object lodged in your child’s ear could make you a little concerned. While not typically severe, it’s essential not to overlook this situation as it can lead to potential ear canal damage or even hearing loss. If your child complains of ear pain or seems unusually upset after an activity such as…
Why Do Your Ears Hurt When Swallowing?
Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable sensation of ear pain when swallowing? It’s a common occurrence that often leaves us wondering why our ears are affected by something as basic as swallowing a bite of our favorite breakfast plate at Lakeside Cafe. Let’s explore common causes of ear pain when swallowing and a few preventative…
What Is Musical Ear and How Is It Managed?
The world of music holds a special place in our hearts. For most of us, music is a source of joy, inspiration and connection. However, for individuals with a condition known as musical ear, the experience of hearing music can be quite different. Musical ear, also known as musical hallucination or musical tinnitus, is a…
How to Manage Strep Throat
According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 14,000 to 25,000 cases of strep throat have occurred in each of the most recent five years in the United States. Strep throat is a common infection that can cause discomfort and pain in the throat. Recognizing the symptoms, seeking appropriate medical treatment and following home remedies…
How to Care for Your ENT Health During Holiday Travel
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the excitement of reuniting with loved ones and creating cherished memories. Amidst the joy and family times, it is crucial to prioritize your ear, nose and throat (ENT) health to ensure a pleasant and worry-free experience. Let’s look at some valuable tips on how to…
What Does Ear Crackling Mean?
The sound of crackling in the ear can have a variety of causes, usually resulting from congestion caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction. It can also result from other medical conditions such as tinnitus, or the sensation of ringing, buzzing or other sounds in one or both ears. It’s helpful to understand the causes of crackling…
What Is Cobblestone Throat?
Seeing or feeling lumps in the back of your throat can be a worrisome experience, but they are likely just a symptom of cobblestone throat. Cobblestone throat causes inflamed tissue in the back of your throat that looks bumpy or rough. The bumps are harmless, fluid-filled tissue that usually forms in response to an infection,…
What Are Treatment Options for Laryngitis?
Laryngitis is the inflammation of your voice box from irritation, overuse or infection. Acute laryngitis lasts three to seven days, and and can be treated with home remedies. Should you find yourself with laryngitis symptoms, you can head to Fort Wayne’s Farmers Market to stock up on tea and honey. Signs, Symptoms and Causes of…