Is It Ever Safe to Use Q-Tips in Your Ears?
Earwax, known by ENT physicians as cerumen, is a substance produced by the outer part of the ear canal. Its job is to lubricate the ear canals and protect the ears by trapping debris. Most of the time, old earwax is moved out of the ears through natural jaw movements when talking and chewing. However,…
How Hypothyroidism Can Impact Your Life & Ways of Treating It
Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. There are many ways in which hypothyroidism can impact your life, which we review below. Fortunately, hypothyroidism, like many thyroid and parathyroid conditions, is a treatable condition, which we also discuss. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Some of the…
Three Common Causes of Ear Pain
There are several different conditions that can cause ear pain in adults. Let’s look at three possible causes and what you can do to relieve your symptoms. Middle Ear Infections Though ear infections are much more common in small children, adults can still get them occasionally as well, especially those with a history of ear…
Are Your Symptoms the Result of Laryngitis?
Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx, also known as the voice box. Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms and causes of laryngitis as well as what to do if you believe you have the condition. Symptoms of Laryngitis Laryngitis often affects the way your voice sounds. You may notice hoarseness…
What Is a Ruptured Eardrum?
Your eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a thin tissue that divides the ear canal and middle ear. Its job is to vibrate when soundwaves enter the ear – the vibrations are then sent to the bones within the middle ear. If your eardrum becomes ruptured, it can cause hearing problems. What Causes…
How Your Diet Can Limit Acid Reflux Symptoms
Many of us have experienced the occasional case of acid reflux. However, others experience symptoms such as pain or burning in their chest after almost every meal or a chronic cough caused by irritation. If you’re someone who suffers from regular acid reflux symptoms, let’s look at ways altering your diet can improve your condition….
How to Prepare for Your Child’s First Visit with a Speech Therapist
If your child has been diagnosed with a communication, feeding or swallowing disorder, they may have been referred to a speech-language pathologist (SLP). SLPs are trained and licensed professionals who can help your child overcome these types of disorders. If you’re on the fence about speech therapy, know that one study found that, “An average…
The Link Between Hearing Loss & Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a viral infection that is characterized by an itchy rash and small blisters. For most people, chickenpox is a mild disease, but for those who aren’t vaccinated and who haven’t had it before, it can result in hospitalization and even death. Fortunately, the number of cases and hospitalizations have dropped dramatically since the…
What are Voice Disorders and How are They Treated?
Research indicates that voice disorders affect 1 in 13 adults every year. They impact your ability to speak normally and interfere with your ability to communicate. However, many people don’t seek treatment for voice issues. Let’s examine some common symptoms and causes, as well as what can be done to treat your voice condition. Symptoms…
Is Your Headache from Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux, occurs when a person’s stomach contents flow back up into their esophagus. If you experience chronic or severe acid reflux, you may be diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Some symptoms of this condition include regurgitation, heartburn, sore throat, chest pain, nausea, pain or difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, chronic…
Can Honey Really Help Seasonal Allergies?
You may have heard the myth that consuming honey from Fort Wayne Farmers Market can help relieve your allergy symptoms. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case. We review what the research says about this topic below. What Is Honey? Bees produce the thick, sweet golden substance known as honey by collecting pollen and nectar…
Can Allergen Immunotherapy Prevent Pediatric Asthma?
Symptoms of asthma include episodes of wheezing, breathlessness and chest tightness. In addition to taking medications and avoiding triggers, like pollen in Fort Wayne Parks, to prevent symptoms, research has found that undergoing allergy immunotherapy is a great way to prevent the development of asthma in children. What Is Allergy Immunotherapy? Allergy immunotherapy is a…
How Allergies May Affect Your Hearing
Common allergy symptoms you may experience after visiting The Fort Wayne Riverfront include itchy eyes, congestion, runny nose, sneezing and headache. Another lesser-known symptom is hearing loss. There are several ways allergies can contribute to hearing loss, which we review below. What Causes Allergies? Your immune system works to protect your body from diseases, viruses…
If You Lost Your Sense of Smell Due to COVID-19, This May Be Why
Loss of taste and smell is common for people infected with COVID-19. But for some, the symptom lasts long after they’ve cleared the infection. Researchers have found that this has to do with how COVID-19 affects the brain. We review more about what the research shows below. About the Study A study published in the…
Thyroid Cancer is on the Rise in Women: Signs and Symptoms to Watch For
Women are more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid cancer than men. In the past few decades, this gap has widened even further. However, the reasons for the increase may be more complex than you might initially think. Why is Thyroid Cancer More Common in Women? One of the main reasons thyroid cancers and other…
Can Nasal Cautery Help Stop My Child’s Nosebleeds?
Many children will experience the occasional nosebleed that requires no additional medical attention. However, if you have a child that experiences recurrent nosebleeds, nasal cautery may be necessary. Common Causes of Nosebleeds Causes of recurring nosebleeds can include: Picking or blowing nose Colds or allergies Injury Dryness Structural problems in the nose Certain medications Abnormal…
Tips for Relief From Cat Related Allergies
Many people face the dilemma of wanting a cat, even though they are allergic to them. Or maybe they didn’t know they were allergic until they brought their new kitten home from Humane Fort Wayne and now can’t imagine parting with their pet. If you are struggling with cat-related allergies, it’s important to know what…
Could You Be Allergic to Cockroaches?
Not only do they give you the willies, but cockroaches can also cause serious health problems. The saliva, feces and shedding body parts from cockroaches trigger allergies and asthma for many Americans, especially children. In fact, up to 60% of people who live in cities are allergic to cockroaches, which are found in an estimated…
Adult Tonsillectomy & What to Expect
The surgical removal of the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. While tonsillectomies are mostly performed on children, sometimes adults need their tonsils out too. In this post, we review the signs it’s time for your tonsils to come out, how to prepare for surgery, what the surgery entails and what the recovery process is like….
The Allergy EDGE™ Advantage
If you’re one of the millions of allergy sufferers in the U.S., finding a provider that specializes in treatment is a crucial step in managing your symptoms and finding a long-term solution. That’s why Ear, Nose & Throat Associates, P.C. uses the Allergy EDGE™ software system to assure positive patient outcomes from our treatment plans….
Can Allergies Be the Cause of Frequent Ear Infections?
It’s extremely common for children to experience frequent ear infections. It’s even more common among children who have allergies. In this post, we review how allergies predispose people to ear infections and how to manage allergies in order to prevent ear infections. How Allergies Contribute to Ear Infections Most middle ear infections occur after you…
At What Point Does a Child Need Ear Tubes?
Most children get the occasional ear infection, and it is usually nothing too serious. Some will clear up on their own, while others may require antibiotics. However, if your child suffers from recurrent ear infections their doctor may recommend inserting ear tubes. When Are Ear Tubes Recommended? Your doctor will take into account multiple factors…
Ear Tube Surgery Aftercare
If your child’s doctor has recommended ear tubes to treat and prevent chronic ear infections, you may have questions about how to care for your child during recovery. If so, you should follow our guide below. What Happens After Ear Tube Surgery? After surgery, your child will be taken to a recovery room where they…
How to Help Prepare Your Child for Ear Tube Surgery
Has your child’s doctor suggested ear tube surgery to treat their chronic or persistent ear infections caused by allergies after visiting Promenade Park? If so, you may be feeling nervous or apprehensive. To put your mind at ease, we’ve compiled information that can help you feel prepared for your child’s ear tube surgery. Before the…
What Is Ear Tube Surgery?
Ear infections are a common affliction among children. In fact, they are one of the number one reasons parents bring their children to see a doctor. One way to prevent and treat ear infections is with ear tube surgery. During ear tube surgery, tiny tubes made of metal or plastic are inserted into a small…
How to Handle Severe Allergies
Most people who suffer from allergies have mild to moderate symptoms. However, some people experience severe allergy symptoms that can significantly impact their lives and even lead to hospitalization or death if not treated promptly. Severe Allergy Symptoms Symptoms of severe allergies differ from the typical sneezing, watery eyes and scratchy throat that we associate…
How Are Allergies Treated?
If you’re suffering from itchy, red, watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and postnasal drip associated with allergies, you’ll do just about anything to find relief. Fortunately, there are many options available. Below we review how allergies are treated. Avoidance The best way to prevent allergy symptoms is to practice avoidance. Of course, you…
Seroma: What You Can Do Yourself and When to Get Help
A seroma is a collection of fluid under the surface of your skin. They usually occur during or after surgery and fill space where tissue has been removed. Seromas are usually harmless and will heal on their own. However, in certain cases, they may require further treatment. Why Do Seromas Happen? Seromas seem to form…
What’s Causing Your Behind-the-Ear-Headache
Pain behind your ear can be caused by several different factors. Sometimes it is related directly to a problem with the ear, while other times it might be caused by an issue with your jaw or even compressed nerves causing a headache. Depending on the cause, the pain might be described as: Burning Sharp Pressure…
4 Most Common Ear, Nose & Throat Complaints
There are many reasons you or your child may to visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician, also known as an otolaryngologist. Below we review four of the most common ear, nose and throat related conditions, their symptoms and treatments. 1. Ear Infections Ear infections occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear,…
Working Together to Keep Diabetics Both Healthy and Hearing
Did you know that hearing loss is twice as common in adults who have diabetes? Recent research shows that those who live in the U.S. with prediabetes blood glucose levels have a rate of hearing loss that is 30% higher than those with normal blood glucose levels. November is American Diabetes Month, which means now…
You Can Stop Snoring with UPPP
Do you snore loudly and feel so tired during the day that you could fall asleep while shopping at Kittle’s Furniture? If so, you may be suffering from a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. This sleep disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep due to the soft tissues in the mouth and…
Seasonal Sneezing: Managing Fall Allergies & Asthma
You may think that allergy season ends when the leaves start changing, but for many, allergy season lasts well into the fall. There are several fall culprits that can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, including ragweed pollen, mold and dust mites. If you’re someone who suffers from fall allergies or whose asthma is triggered by…
Feeling Tired? Allergies Might Be to Blame
There are many reasons a person can feel tired, ranging from lack of sleep to stress to a vitamin deficiency. For some people, allergies can make them feel fatigued. Let’s examine some of the ways allergies can make people feel tired, and what can be done to alleviate fatigue. Why do Allergies Make You Tired?…
How Does Sleeping with a Partner Affect Your Sleep?
A quality night’s sleep is essential to your health. It’s important to evaluate all factors that might affect your quality of sleep. You probably ask yourself questions like: “How much screen time am I getting before bed?” “Did I drink too much coffee after lunch?” “Is our bed giving us enough support or should we…
How Sleep Apnea and Lung Problems Overlap
Sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are two common conditions that can make breathing difficult and negatively affect your health. Sleep apnea occurs when you repeatedly stop breathing during sleep. Even though the pauses in breathing are temporary, your body wakes itself every time it happens, making it difficult to get quality sleep….
Are Eczema and Food Allergies Related?
Food allergies and eczema are both incredibly common conditions in the developed world. Here in Indiana, we treat many patients for these conditions throughout the year. Research suggests that 5% of adults and 20% of children are affected by eczema, while 7% of children and 6% of adults report food allergies. While some patients have…
What are Eye Allergies?
Do your eyes ever get itchy or start to water when you go out for a run, or take the kids to the playground at Promenade Park? If so, you may suffer from eye allergies. Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, are incredibly common. They affect between six and 30 percent of the general…
Benefits of Sleeping on Your Back
If you’re like most adults, you’re probably comfiest when sleeping on your side. However, research shows that there are many benefits to sleeping on your back – known as supine sleeping. Most People Prefer Side Sleeping One 2017 study found that while children sleep equally on their sides, back and stomach, most people prefer to…
Is It Bad to Fall Asleep Fast?
It takes the average person between five and 15 minutes to fall asleep. If it takes 20 to 30 minutes or longer, you’re probably suffering from a sleep disorder known as insomnia. If it takes you five minutes or less to get to sleep, you may think that you’re just an excellent sleeper, but the…
Experiencing Ear Pain? It May Be Allergies
You know the familiar symptoms of allergies: itchy, watery eyes, sinus pain/pressure, congestion, runny nose and sneezing. But did you know that allergies can also cause ear pain? We review this connection and how to find relief below. How Do Allergies Cause Ear Pain? When the body is exposed to allergens – normally harmless substances…
Sore Throat? It May Be Allergies
You know the telltale signs of allergies: itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion and sneezing. But did you know that allergies can also cause a sore throat? Below we review how allergies can result in a sore throat, how to treat a sore throat caused by allergies and how to tell the difference between a sore…
How Does Rain Affect Allergies?
These hot summer months have all of us looking forward to the next rainfall. While many people believe that rain can help relieve summer allergy symptoms, this is not necessarily the case. We review how rain can actually worsen allergies and how to prevent symptoms below. How Does Rain Worsen Allergies? It’s true that rain…
Reasons You’re Not Sleeping Through the Night
Is there anything more frustrating than lying awake in bed, knowing how tired you’ll feel the next day but still being unable to fall asleep? Whether you have trouble falling asleep initially or staying asleep through the night, it can have serious impacts on your quality of life. Below we review some of the reasons…
What Effect Does Sleep Apnea Have on the Body?
If you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, it means you experience brief pauses in breathing during sleep. During these pauses, your body rouses you so you can start breathing again, which can leave you feel unrested during the day. Some of the tell-tale signs of sleep apnea include loud snoring, dry mouth, headache and daytime fatigue…
How Do Allergy Shots Work?
Do you have severe allergy symptoms – like itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, postnasal drip, scratchy throat or hives – when exposed to dust mites, feathers, mold spores, pet dander, pollen or stinging insects? If so, you may be a good candidate for allergy shots. Below we review everything you need to know about allergy…
What Causes the Ear to Bleed?
If there’s blood coming from the ears, even if it’s just a little bit, it can be alarming. While a bleeding ear is not usually the sign of anything too serious, it’s important to seek treatment promptly just in case. Below we review the common causes of a bleeding ear, treatment options and when to…