Why Is Your Nose Stuffy in the Morning?
While rarely a sign of a more serious condition, waking up with a stuffy nose is not a fun start to your day. Knowing the cause of your stuffy nose is the first step in treating it. Take a look at a couple of common stuffy nose triggers and their treatment options for a better,…
What to Know About Otosclerosis?
More than three million people in the United States have otosclerosis. Otosclerosis occurs when an abnormal bone growth in the middle or inner ear prevents sound from effectively traveling through the ear, resulting in mild to severe hearing loss. Over the course of your life, the bone tissue in your ears renews itself by replacing…
Can Sinus Problems Affect Your Eyes?
Sinus problems, specifically having a sinus infection, can be unpleasant and uncomfortable and lead to a host of different symptoms. In some cases, having a sinus infection may affect your eyes and your vision. However, in most cases, these issues are temporary and not serious. What is a Sinus Infection? A sinus infection is also…
Reasons Why You’re Waking Up with a Sore Throat
Many of us have had the experience of waking up with a dry, scratchy or sore throat. It can be especially annoying and uncomfortable if you’re experiencing this problem on a regular basis. Let’s explore several common reasons you might be waking up with a sore throat, as well as what you can do to…
Why Is My Nose Runny and How Can I Manage It?
While a fairly mild symptom on its own, a runny nose can quickly become an annoyance. Common frustrations accompanying a runny nose may include irritated or raw-feeling skin around the nose and mouth, needing to blow your nose frequently, poor sense of smell and trouble breathing. Let’s examine some common causes of a runny nose…
Can Chronic Sinusitis Affect Your Mental Health?
Dealing with chronic sinusitis symptoms isn’t just unpleasant. Research has shown that it can actually negatively impact your mental health. Chronic Sinusitis Signs and Symptoms Sinusitis is another term for a sinus infection. A sinus infection is considered chronic if your symptoms last longer than 12 weeks. Sinusitis is usually caused by a viral illness,…
Tips for a Stress-Free Shopping Trip With Hearing Loss
Whether going to the grocery store for weekly necessities or heading to Sugar Love Boutique for a new outfit, knowing how to accommodate your hearing loss while shopping can help you have a stress-free experience. Stress from shopping with hearing loss may come from multiple sources, including but not limited to: While you may not…
Tips for Managing Your Hearing Loss at Work
Approximately 15% of American adults experience some trouble hearing. Because it is so widespread, most workplaces have procedures in place to accommodate those with hearing loss. Let’s look at a of couple workplace accommodations as well as some personal measures you can take to make working with hearing loss a little easier. Workplace Accommodations The…
Could Your Tooth Pain Be From a Sinus Infection?
Approximately 28.9 million U.S. adults were diagnosed with sinusitis in 2018. Sinusitis, also called a sinus infection, can cause congestion, runny nose, facial pain and pressure, sore throat, cough and even tooth pain. Tooth pain is less often associated with sinus infections, but because it can have more serious dental causes, it is important to…
What Is the Association Between Allergies and Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory skin condition that causes an itchy rash. Immune-mediated conditions are triggered or inflamed in response to a disruption of regular immune system activity. Allergies are a similar immune system response triggered by contact with allergens. Let’s look at the connection between allergies and psoriasis and how to identify and treat…
Can Stress Worsen Acid Reflux?
Many of us are familiar with the ways stress can manifest in our bodies, from sweaty palms and racing hearts to a nervous stomach and tension headaches. Some people notice an increase in acid reflux during times of high stress. Let’s look at why that might happen, as well as the best ways to manage…
What Are Your Treatment Options for Sinusitis?
Sinusitis, or sinus infection, occurs when mucus builds up in the sinuses that lead to the nasal cavity and causes irritation and inflammation. Symptoms of sinusitis may include nasal discharge, postnatal drip, facial pain, blocked or runny nose, sore throat, cough, tenderness and swelling and more. Sinus infections are a leading health complaint in physician…
Why Does My Throat Hurt While Yawning?
If you experience pain in your throat while yawning, you likely have inflammation in your throat. Let’s go over a few possible causes of this inflammation as well as how these conditions are traded. What Does Throat Pain When Yawning Feel Like? The type of pain you might feel when yawning will often depend on…
Do Allergies & Asthma Increase My Risk of Nasal Polyps?
Nasal polyps are benign growths shaped like teardrops or grapes that form in the lining of the nasal and sinus passages. They can obstruct breathing and cause other nasal problems if not treated promptly. The reason they form is because of chronic inflammation of the nasal passages, oftentimes caused by allergies and asthma. We review…
Why Is My Throat Burning?
There are multiple health conditions that can cause a burning throat. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the more common causes as well as your treatment options. Acid Reflux Pretty much everyone has experienced acid reflux from time to time. However, some people experience chronic reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD…
What Are the Best Types of Earplugs For Preventing Swimmer’s Ear?
Warmer temperatures are upon us. Soon it will be summer, which means more time spent outdoors and trips to the beach or swimming pool. If you love taking family trips to Northside Park Swimming Pool or other swimming holes in Fort Wayne, it’s important to know how to prevent swimmer’s ear for you and your…
What Causes a Bulging Eardrum & How Is It Treated?
Your eardrum is known by doctors as your tympanic membrane. Sometimes, certain conditions can cause the tympanic membrane to bulge. We review some of these conditions and how they’re treated below. Middle Ear Infections Middle ear infections, also known as otitis media, are the most common type of ear infection and a common cause of…
Take These Steps To Keep Your Sinuses Healthy
Sinusitis, including chronic sinusitis, is a common condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 28.9 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. What Is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is another term for a sinus infection. It is an inflammation of your sinuses that is often caused by a viral…
Is My Earache Caused by a Cold or Ear Infection?
If you’re experiencing an earache, it’s important to get to the bottom of what’s causing it in order to seek the appropriate treatment. Two potential causes of an earache are the common cold and an ear infection. We review how to tell the difference between these conditions below. The Common Cold According to one 2020…
How to Stop Postnasal Drip
The term postnasal drip (PND) describes when mucus drips down the back of your throat. Because the mucus irritates the throat, postnasal drip is associated with chronic cough. According to one article, “PND is a common complaint in primary care and ear-nose-throat offices.” Below we review how to stop postnasal drip. Home Remedies Certain home…
How To Use Ear Drops Correctly
Ear drops are an effective medication to treat a variety of common ailments. They are available both over the counter or through a prescription at places like Fort Wayne Custom Rx. Let’s take a look at some common types of ear drops, the conditions they treat as well as how to use them safely. Conditions…
How Is Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Treated?
The Eustachian tubes are the passageways that connect your middle ears to the back of your throat. Their jobs are to allow fluid to drain from the middle ear and equalize air pressure between your middle ear and the environment. If your Eustachian tubes aren’t functioning correctly, you may be diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction….
What to Eat When You Have a Sore Throat
According to an article published in the journal BMJ Clinical Evidence, “About 10% of people present to primary healthcare services with sore throat each year.” If you’re experiencing a sore throat now, you may be wondering what you can do to relieve it. In fact, some of the foods you eat and beverages you consume…
What Should I Do if Water Gets Stuck in My Ear?
A common ear infection caused by water getting trapped in the ear canal is called swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa. According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, “Approximately 10% of people will develop otitis externa during their lifetime.” To prevent swimmer’s ear, it’s essential that you remove the water in your…
Wireless Technology for Unparalleled Sound Quality and Convenience
Hearing aids have become very sophisticated over the years, with features undreamt of just a generation ago. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the advent of wireless connectivity. Thanks to the proliferation of Bluetooth® technology, today’s hearing devices are more versatile than ever, and feature unparalleled sound quality and convenience. What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth…
What to Know About Getting Your Ears Cleaned by an ENT
If your ears become impacted with earwax—in other words, if earwax becomes stuck in your ear canals—it can be uncomfortable. When this happens, it’s important that you don’t attempt to remove the wax yourself, especially in an unsafe way. Instead, you should schedule an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose and throat) physician to have…
Why Am I Dizzy?
Understanding the Symptoms & Treatment of Vestibular Conditions like Vertigo Dizziness or imbalance is a common complaint that can affect people of all ages. It is the reason for many emergency room (ER) visits and further visits to primary care providers. Symptoms of dizziness can be described as a room-spinning sensation, lightheaded feeling, disorientation, tilting/rocking…
Tips for Managing a Stuffy Nose
While not serious, nasal congestion or a stuffy nose can be annoying to deal with and interfere with your day-to-day activities. Let’s look at a few of the best ways to manage your symptoms and get you feeling well again. Six Ways To Relieve Nasal Congestion Shower. Steam from a hot shower can help to…
Inspire® is here to change the way you sleep
Maybe you’ve struggled with sleep apnea for many years and didn’t realize you had a problem. Has your spouse or partner ever woken you up to ask that you stop snoring? Have you struggled to get a much needed night of rest because the person next to you cannot stop snoring? This may be due…
What Causes Tightness in the Throat?
Several conditions can cause tightness in the throat. Let’s look at a few of the more common causes, as well as when to seek treatment. Common Causes of Throat Tightness GERD/Acid reflux. Reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus and often causes heartburn. If it happens regularly, it’s known as gastroesophageal…
Why Do My Ears and Throat Hurt Simultaneously?
All of us have experienced a sore throat or ear pain at some point in our lives. If you currently find yourself dealing with both at the same time, you may be confused as to what is causing your symptoms. Let’s take a look at a few conditions that can cause discomfort in both the…
How to Prevent ENT Disorders
Otolaryngologists, also known as ENT physicians, diagnose and treat conditions that affect the ears, nose and throat. While an ENT physician is happy to care for these types of ailments, you may want to save yourself the trip and remain healthy by taking the following measures to prevent common ENT disorders. Ear Infections An ear…
3 Main Concerns for First-Time Hearing Aid Users
If you’ve considered hearing aids for a while but are avoiding a consultation, you’re not alone. Many people who experience hearing loss will wait to get a consultation for years. That’s many years of trying to distinguish the mumbles from your family, feeling left out of conversations, having a hard time on the phone and…
When Your Child Should See an ENT: 3 Top Reasons Children Visit the Doctor
Ear, nose and throat concerns are among the top reasons that children see their doctor. This is because they are especially sensitive to issues like ear infections and food allergies, in addition to certain congenital disabilities such as cleft palates requiring treatment at a young age to prevent complications later. The most common conditions we…
Snoring: NothingTo Joke About
People who snore are often the brunt of jokes, but it’s no laughing matter. Chronic snoring is a real problem that can cause relationship tension, drowsiness and fatigue, and lead to lapses in memory and concentration. Often, it’s an indication of a serious health disorder such as sleep apnea. If you are a snorer, you’re…
Should I Fly With an Ear Infection?
The holiday season usually brings with it more travel and unfortunately, more people coming down with colds and other illnesses. This may mean that you or your child might be heading to catch your flight at Fort Wayne International Airport with an ear infection. Ear Infection Causes and Symptoms An ear infection is caused by…
Winter is Coming: Know the Difference Between Indoor Allergies, COVID & the Flu
While many people dread the coming of winter, allergy sufferers often sigh in relief, confident that their seasonal allergies will go away once cold weather sets in. This isn’t always the case—especially for those who suffer from mold and dander allergies. While pollen counts drop in the winter months, indoor allergens such as mold and…
How To Know if You Have Throat Cancer
Throat cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that develops in your throat or voice box. It can be hard to identify, especially in the early stages of the disease, as many of the signs and symptoms can mimic other conditions. What Are the Early Signs of Throat Cancer The earliest sign…
Can Antibiotics Treat a Sinus Infection?
Sinus infections are no fun. If you have one, you may be wondering if antibiotics might help you get over your infection and recover quicker. Unfortunately, in most cases, antibiotics are unlikely to help treat sinus infections. What Causes a Sinus Infection? A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses…
Do You Know Your Baseline?
Why Routine Baseline Hearing Tests Are Important To Overall Health It’s common for people to schedule routine dental cleanings, physical exams, eye exams and other health screenings. Yet, regular baseline hearing tests are far less commonplace, despite 15% of adults or 1.9% of children having some difficulty hearing, according to the CDC. What is a…
What’s Causing Your Chronic Sore Throat?
Sore throats are a common ailment that brings millions of people to the doctor every year. Often, it’s not a sign of any serious condition and will resolve itself in a few days with rest and/or proper treatment. However, if you are suffering from a chronic sore throat that lasts weeks or even months, or…
Children & Ear Infections
If your child suffers from an ear infection more than once, it’s not an unusual situation. Over 80% of children experience at least one ear infection by the age of three. Multiple infections are common. In fact, ear infections are the primary reason parents seek medical care for their kids. Your Child’s Developing Body Children…
Acid Reflux: Is It GERD or LPR?
Many Americans suffer from acid reflux every year. It occurs when stomach acid travels up into your esophagus and often causes the telltale symptom of heartburn. If you experience acid reflux more than a couple of times a week, you likely have a chronic condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, some people with…
How Do Allergy Shots Work?
Do you have severe allergy symptoms – like itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, postnasal drip, scratchy throat or hives – when exposed to dust mites, feathers, mold spores, pet dander or pollen? If so, you may be a good candidate for allergy shots. Below we review everything you need to know about allergy shots. What…
What to Know About Strep Throat: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments
Strep throat is a common infection that can affect both children and adults. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Up to 3 in 10 children with a sore throat have strep throat, about 1 in 10 adults with a sore throat has strep throat.” Below we review everything you need…
What Causes Chronic Sinusitis?
According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, “Chronic sinusitis is chronic inflammation of the sinus or nasal passages occurring for more than 12 weeks at a time… [It] is diagnosed when at least two of the following four symptoms are present and occur for more than 12 weeks: Purulent drainage [white,…
Learn More About Why You Sneeze
Sneezing is an incredibly common occurrence with many causes. The occasional sneeze is nothing to worry about. However, frequent sneezing, especially when accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate certain health conditions. How Often Does the Average Person Sneeze? A comparative study had 80 hospital employees and medical students who were not currently sick or dealing…
How Are ENT Disorders Diagnosed?
Otolaryngologists, more commonly known as ENT physicians, are experts in diagnosing and treating ear, nose and throat disorders. Below we review some of the questions your ENT physician may ask you to diagnose your symptoms and how some common ENT disorders are diagnosed. What Questions Will an ENT Physician Ask? Some questions you can expect…
Four Unusual Facts About Your Ears
It’s easy to take for granted all the amazing things our ears let us experience. They let you enjoy our favorite music, hear your grandchildren laughing and playing at Waynedale Park and help keep you balanced and standing upright. However, even though our ears play a vital role in our lives, there’s a lot most…
What Are the Warning Signs of Sleep Disorders?
Everyone has trouble sleeping once in a while, but if you experience persistent sleep problems, you could have a sleep disorder. Below we review the warning signs of sleep disorders, classifications of sleep disorders and how sleep disorders are diagnosed. Warning Signs of Sleep Disorders The following list includes the most common signs you have…