Why Do I Get More Ear Pain in the Winter?
Winter is a season of crisp air, cozy sweaters and lots of snow. Along with the benefits of cold weather come a few less pleasant side effects, like dry skin, chapped lips and, for some, unexpected ear pain. If you’ve noticed your ears aching more during the winter months, you’re not alone. The cold wind,…
Why Do I Keep Getting Ear Infections as an Adult?
Many of us have childhood memories of earaches keeping us home from school, but ear infections can persist into adulthood, sometimes turning into a recurring issue. An ear infection, or acute otitis media, occurs when bacteria or viruses infect the area behind the eardrum. This leads to a buildup of fluid and pressure, causing a…
Best Practices for Ear Hygiene
Maintaining good ear hygiene helps protect your overall ear health, which can impact your hearing and ENT health. Ears are naturally self-cleaning, but there are important practices to follow that can help keep them healthy. Consider the following when it comes to best practices for healthy ears. Cleaning Your Ears Safely It’s a common misconception…
When To Consult An Ent For Your Vertigo
Feeling lightheaded after skipping breakfast or standing up too quickly is not usually a big deal. However, if you frequently feel like the world around you is spinning, you might be dealing with vertigo. What is Vertigo? Vertigo itself is not a disease but a symptom of various underlying conditions. Symptoms can vary between patients…
What Is the Link Between Ear Infections & Hearing Loss in Children?
According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics, “Acute otitis media is one of the most common illnesses evaluated by pediatricians. About 50% of all children will have at least one ear infection by the time they reach their second birthday.” Another term for acute otitis media is a middle ear infection. The reason these…
How To Relieve Ear Pressure
Ear pressure, often referred to as barotrauma, can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. It occurs when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked due to altitude or pressure changes. Let’s explore why ear pressure occurs and some effective methods for alleviating it. Why Ear Pressure Occurs Barotrauma happens when there’s an imbalance between the air…
How to Safely Remove Water From Your Ears
Water can easily get trapped in your ears after a shower or swim. Knowing how to remove it safely and effectively is important to prevent complications. This guide will explain why water gets trapped in your ears, the importance of removing it promptly, and safe methods for doing so. Understanding Water in Your Ears The…
Top Summertime Ear Protection Tips
As the sun comes out and temperatures climb, summer invites us to partake in various outdoor activities and adventures. While enjoying the sunshine and seasonal festivities, it’s essential to remember to protect our ears, though we may not realize it. From ear infections to exposure to loud noises, summer presents unique risks to our ears…
The Impact Of Smoking On ENT Health: Risks and Recovery
It’s widely acknowledged that smoking detrimentally impacts one’s physical health. Among the health risks associated with smoking are cancers of the head, neck and throat, as well as stroke, heart attack, emphysema and other conditions. The CDC identifies smoking as the primary cause of preventable death in the United States. Impacts on ENT Health Inhaling…
Home Remedies for a Sore Throat and When to See a Doctor
A sore throat is a common condition that sometimes makes it difficult to swallow, eat or talk. Sore throats can have various causes ranging from illnesses to allergies. They’re often not serious and can be treated with home remedies. Understanding the causes and available remedies can help you be prepared to treat one if it…
How To Recognize and Manage Aphasia
Aphasia is a language disorder that impacts communication, typically caused by damage to the brain’s language centers. It differs in its impact among individuals and necessitates varying treatment options. Aphasia is an uncommon disorder, affecting about 2 million people in the U.S., but a greater understanding of the disorder allows for a better ability to…
What Should You Do If Your Child Gets Something Stuck In Their Ear
Finding a foreign object lodged in your child’s ear could make you a little concerned. While not typically severe, it’s essential not to overlook this situation as it can lead to potential ear canal damage or even hearing loss. If your child complains of ear pain or seems unusually upset after an activity such as…
Why Do Your Ears Hurt When Swallowing?
Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable sensation of ear pain when swallowing? It’s a common occurrence that often leaves us wondering why our ears are affected by something as basic as swallowing a bite of our favorite breakfast plate at Lakeside Cafe. Let’s explore common causes of ear pain when swallowing and a few preventative…
How to Care for Your ENT Health During Holiday Travel
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the excitement of reuniting with loved ones and creating cherished memories. Amidst the joy and family times, it is crucial to prioritize your ear, nose and throat (ENT) health to ensure a pleasant and worry-free experience. Let’s look at some valuable tips on how to…
What Does Ear Crackling Mean?
The sound of crackling in the ear can have a variety of causes, usually resulting from congestion caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction. It can also result from other medical conditions such as tinnitus, or the sensation of ringing, buzzing or other sounds in one or both ears. It’s helpful to understand the causes of crackling…
Why Is Your Nose Stuffy in the Morning?
While rarely a sign of a more serious condition, waking up with a stuffy nose is not a fun start to your day. Knowing the cause of your stuffy nose is the first step in treating it. Take a look at a couple of common stuffy nose triggers and their treatment options for a better,…
What to Know About Otosclerosis?
More than three million people in the United States have otosclerosis. Otosclerosis occurs when an abnormal bone growth in the middle or inner ear prevents sound from effectively traveling through the ear, resulting in mild to severe hearing loss. Over the course of your life, the bone tissue in your ears renews itself by replacing…
Could Your Tooth Pain Be From a Sinus Infection?
Approximately 28.9 million U.S. adults were diagnosed with sinusitis in 2018. Sinusitis, also called a sinus infection, can cause congestion, runny nose, facial pain and pressure, sore throat, cough and even tooth pain. Tooth pain is less often associated with sinus infections, but because it can have more serious dental causes, it is important to…
What Are the Best Types of Earplugs For Preventing Swimmer’s Ear?
Warmer temperatures are upon us. Soon it will be summer, which means more time spent outdoors and trips to the beach or swimming pool. If you love taking family trips to Northside Park Swimming Pool or other swimming holes in Fort Wayne, it’s important to know how to prevent swimmer’s ear for you and your…
What Causes a Bulging Eardrum & How Is It Treated?
Your eardrum is known by doctors as your tympanic membrane. Sometimes, certain conditions can cause the tympanic membrane to bulge. We review some of these conditions and how they’re treated below. Middle Ear Infections Middle ear infections, also known as otitis media, are the most common type of ear infection and a common cause of…
Is My Earache Caused by a Cold or Ear Infection?
If you’re experiencing an earache, it’s important to get to the bottom of what’s causing it in order to seek the appropriate treatment. Two potential causes of an earache are the common cold and an ear infection. We review how to tell the difference between these conditions below. The Common Cold According to one 2020…
How To Use Ear Drops Correctly
Ear drops are an effective medication to treat a variety of common ailments. They are available both over the counter or through a prescription at places like Fort Wayne Custom Rx. Let’s take a look at some common types of ear drops, the conditions they treat as well as how to use them safely. Conditions…
How Is Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Treated?
The Eustachian tubes are the passageways that connect your middle ears to the back of your throat. Their jobs are to allow fluid to drain from the middle ear and equalize air pressure between your middle ear and the environment. If your Eustachian tubes aren’t functioning correctly, you may be diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction….
What Should I Do if Water Gets Stuck in My Ear?
A common ear infection caused by water getting trapped in the ear canal is called swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa. According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, “Approximately 10% of people will develop otitis externa during their lifetime.” To prevent swimmer’s ear, it’s essential that you remove the water in your…
What to Know About Getting Your Ears Cleaned by an ENT
If your ears become impacted with earwax—in other words, if earwax becomes stuck in your ear canals—it can be uncomfortable. When this happens, it’s important that you don’t attempt to remove the wax yourself, especially in an unsafe way. Instead, you should schedule an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose and throat) physician to have…
How to Prevent ENT Disorders
Otolaryngologists, also known as ENT physicians, diagnose and treat conditions that affect the ears, nose and throat. While an ENT physician is happy to care for these types of ailments, you may want to save yourself the trip and remain healthy by taking the following measures to prevent common ENT disorders. Ear Infections An ear…
Should I Fly With an Ear Infection?
The holiday season usually brings with it more travel and unfortunately, more people coming down with colds and other illnesses. This may mean that you or your child might be heading to catch your flight at Fort Wayne International Airport with an ear infection. Ear Infection Causes and Symptoms An ear infection is caused by…
Children & Ear Infections
If your child suffers from an ear infection more than once, it’s not an unusual situation. Over 80% of children experience at least one ear infection by the age of three. Multiple infections are common. In fact, ear infections are the primary reason parents seek medical care for their kids. Your Child’s Developing Body Children…
How Are ENT Disorders Diagnosed?
Otolaryngologists, more commonly known as ENT physicians, are experts in diagnosing and treating ear, nose and throat disorders. Below we review some of the questions your ENT physician may ask you to diagnose your symptoms and how some common ENT disorders are diagnosed. What Questions Will an ENT Physician Ask? Some questions you can expect…
Four Unusual Facts About Your Ears
It’s easy to take for granted all the amazing things our ears let us experience. They let you enjoy our favorite music, hear your grandchildren laughing and playing at Waynedale Park and help keep you balanced and standing upright. However, even though our ears play a vital role in our lives, there’s a lot most…
Earwax 101
Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a substance the ears naturally produce. It comprises oils, sweat, dead skin cells and dirt. This combination may sound yucky, but earwax plays a very important role in the ear’s health. We review everything you need to know about earwax below. What Does Earwax Do? Earwax has several important…
What Causes Swollen Earlobes?
Swollen earlobes can have many different causes. Some of these can be treated at home, while others require medical attention. Let’s examine the causes and how to remedy them. Piercings If you or your child recently had their ears pierced, it could cause swelling in the earlobes. A new piercing is a wound and swelling…
Is It Ever Safe to Use Q-Tips in Your Ears?
Earwax, known by ENT physicians as cerumen, is a substance produced by the outer part of the ear canal. Its job is to lubricate the ear canals and protect the ears by trapping debris. Most of the time, old earwax is moved out of the ears through natural jaw movements when talking and chewing. However,…
Three Common Causes of Ear Pain
There are several different conditions that can cause ear pain in adults. Let’s look at three possible causes and what you can do to relieve your symptoms. Middle Ear Infections Though ear infections are much more common in small children, adults can still get them occasionally as well, especially those with a history of ear…
What Is a Ruptured Eardrum?
Your eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a thin tissue that divides the ear canal and middle ear. Its job is to vibrate when soundwaves enter the ear – the vibrations are then sent to the bones within the middle ear. If your eardrum becomes ruptured, it can cause hearing problems. What Causes…
Can Allergies Be the Cause of Frequent Ear Infections?
It’s extremely common for children to experience frequent ear infections. It’s even more common among children who have allergies. In this post, we review how allergies predispose people to ear infections and how to manage allergies in order to prevent ear infections. How Allergies Contribute to Ear Infections Most middle ear infections occur after you…
At What Point Does a Child Need Ear Tubes?
Most children get the occasional ear infection, and it is usually nothing too serious. Some will clear up on their own, while others may require antibiotics. However, if your child suffers from recurrent ear infections their doctor may recommend inserting ear tubes. When Are Ear Tubes Recommended? Your doctor will take into account multiple factors…
Ear Tube Surgery Aftercare
If your child’s doctor has recommended ear tubes to treat and prevent chronic ear infections, you may have questions about how to care for your child during recovery. If so, you should follow our guide below. What Happens After Ear Tube Surgery? After surgery, your child will be taken to a recovery room where they…
How to Help Prepare Your Child for Ear Tube Surgery
Has your child’s doctor suggested ear tube surgery to treat their chronic or persistent ear infections caused by allergies after visiting Promenade Park? If so, you may be feeling nervous or apprehensive. To put your mind at ease, we’ve compiled information that can help you feel prepared for your child’s ear tube surgery. Before the…
What Is Ear Tube Surgery?
Ear infections are a common affliction among children. In fact, they are one of the number one reasons parents bring their children to see a doctor. One way to prevent and treat ear infections is with ear tube surgery. During ear tube surgery, tiny tubes made of metal or plastic are inserted into a small…
What’s Causing Your Behind-the-Ear-Headache
Pain behind your ear can be caused by several different factors. Sometimes it is related directly to a problem with the ear, while other times it might be caused by an issue with your jaw or even compressed nerves causing a headache. Depending on the cause, the pain might be described as: Burning Sharp Pressure…
4 Most Common Ear, Nose & Throat Complaints
There are many reasons you or your child may to visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician, also known as an otolaryngologist. Below we review four of the most common ear, nose and throat related conditions, their symptoms and treatments. 1. Ear Infections Ear infections occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear,…
What Causes the Ear to Bleed?
If there’s blood coming from the ears, even if it’s just a little bit, it can be alarming. While a bleeding ear is not usually the sign of anything too serious, it’s important to seek treatment promptly just in case. Below we review the common causes of a bleeding ear, treatment options and when to…